Energy Infrastructure
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Tell the Iowa House of Representatives:
Support CO2 Pipelines and vote NO on HF 565

ACTION ALERT! The biggest pipeline projects now under development face another crucial vote in the Iowa House of Representatives. Your voice is needed NOW to tell members of the Iowa House to vote NO on House File (HF) 565 when they take up this anti-pipeline legislation in the coming week. Its passage would all but kill the prospects of CO2 pipelines being built at all. This would also spell the demise of ethanol and eliminate demand for the corn - 50% of the total crop - that is grown to produce ethanol.

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Dear Representative,

I'm writing to urge you to oppose HF 565.

By stopping CO2 pipelines from being built, this measure would spell the demise of ethanol as a low-carbon fuel, eliminate demand for 50% of the area corn crop that is used to produce it, devastating Iowa's farm economy and the businesses that support it, and along with it kill the major economic boost construction of these projects will deliver to Iowa's and the surrounding region's workers, families and businesses.

Current projects have been under development for some time. HF 565 would unfairly change the permitting rules in the middle of the process, well after developers have made very large investments relying on rules in existence prior to HF 565.

A study shows that the biggest carbon pipeline project, during the construction phase, would make an overall investment of $4.5 billion, with $2.1 billion spent with suppliers and contractors, the creation of over 11,000 jobs, and would pay nearly $400 million in new local, state and federal taxes.

After construction, operating this project will create over 1,100 permanent jobs and nearly $100 million in annual tax revenue paid to the region's local and state governments.

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) ensures ethanol's continued access to low-carbon fuel markets such as California and Canada, where a premium is paid for ethanol with CCS, increasing its value to Iowa farmers and refiners. As America transitions to lower-carbon energy, CCS will ensure ethanol remains a growing part of Iowa's economy and our nation's fuel mix.

Countless area businesses and workers that supply equipment, products and services to farming, and the prosperity of their families and communities, rely on a thriving farm sector dependent on corn grown for ethanol, now threatened by HF 565.

According to the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, without these projects, Iowa ethanol production could contract by 75 percent (nearly 3.5 billion gallons per year) leading to many Iowa plants shutting down. Iowa farmers would lose local markets for over 1 billion bushels of corn annually, depressing local corn prices. Iowa would realize an eventual decline in revenues from ethanol plants of more than $10 billion per year.

A bright future for low-carbon ethanol creates strong demand for farm equipment including tractors, combines, and other crop cultivation, harvesting and storage equipment which is supplied and maintained by local dealerships and their workers.

During project construction, contractors, construction equipment dealers, material supplier such as steel pipe manufacturers, and engineering and environmental service firms will employ thousands of area workers who patronize local businesses such as restaurants, retailers and hotels.

When the currently proposed CCS-from-ethanol projects are operational, they will annually prevent over 20 million tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere, and together will be the largest carbon capture system in the world.

Please support these projects, which are critically important to the prosperity of Iowa's farms, families, communities, businesses and future, by voting NO on HF 565.


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